Wednesday, November 07, 2007

THANK YOU for the lovely comments for thistle. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I still have 2 edging repeats left before she is finished but am being kept very busy with the SSS test knitting :-) I'll finish thistle this week ...

The Pattern: Balmoral from Marianne Kinzel Second book of Modern Lace Knitting (slightly adapted)

The Yarn: Fonty Kidopale (from LUL)

Knitting time: about 30 hours

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been looking for a lace pattern to try to tackle, i haven't ever done 'proper' lace work before, and am nervous and excited at the same time. Though I was linked to this gorgeous shawl so while it may be beyond my skills, I intend to give it my best shot... now to buy yarns!

Thank you for your comments on our LJ, having had a look on here I feel I should maybe catalogue our stash... or possibly not...

I am still looking for a worthy pattern for the handspun, I want a fairly simple, yet pretty scarf pattern i think. I will post here or on LJ once I find the perfect pattern!

I'll try to remember to (a find the slip of paper and b) call you sometime. It could be fun to get together and compare knittings :-)