Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two quilts

Writing this tonight to try and distract myself from something that is bothering me. There are various strategies that sometimes work when something is bugging me: distraction, having a plan of action and writing lists. Other suggestions gratefully received!

Here are some pictures of some quilts that the creative "part of me" has made as gifts in the last 6 months. This blog belongs to that "part of me".

Firstly a scrappy batik quilt.
Secondly Theo's (my nephew) birthday quilt which was completed nearly 6 months late but he didn't seem to mind. The lighthouse and boats and the locomotive were paper pieced and the rest were panels cut into blocks. The wheels for the train were yo-yo's appliqued on after quilting.

Oh and Cocoa had 5 kittens last monday. Four of them have their eyes open.

Also Hannah has listed lots of Colorimetry Shetland yarn on etsy for anyone who's interested.

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